VFI Lending Options

All companies are unique and have different needs . Make the choice that works best for you!

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Equipment Line of Credit

We offer an Equipment Line of Credit with a fixed rate. Once we lock your rate it will not change. Besides that, we will also refinance your line after 18 months should rates go down and are lower than they were at the commencement of our agreement. There is no charge to get it set up and if you decide not to use it we carry no non-utilization fees. The great thing about our equipment line is that once it is set up all you have to do is send us the invoice you want paid and we handle the rest. We can set up the line for any amount you might need.

Once again, here are some of the benefits:

  • No Origination Fees.
  • No Account Maintenance Fees.
  • No fee when you draw on the line.
  • No Inactivity or Non-Utilization Fees
  • Our rates are fixed and not variable.
  • You only pay for what you use.

We will refinance your rate in 18 months if rates pivot and are lower than at the start of the line.

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Project and Equipment Leases

Some lessees may confuse lease rate factors and interest rates. Although the two concepts are related, they are not identical. Interest rates can fluctuate as central banks decide to print more or less money. The lease rate factor in a leasing agreement stays the same throughout the lease term. Also, most loan agreements require that the interest rate be printed in the contract. By contrast, many lease agreements do not include the lease rate factor in the contract, but they do include all the numbers needed to calculate it.

Reimbursement Program

Our Reimbursement Program works great for two situations!

  1. If you have made a purchase you would have rather financed.
  2. You would like some extra cash to put back on your balance sheet.

We can reimburse you for any purchase or acquisition made in the last two years. All we need is proof of payment or title. In most cases we would like the equipment to be unencumbered but if you are still paying on the equipment we can also pay the equipment off and reimburse you for what you have already paid. Ask me more about our Reimbursement Program.

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Our clients rely on us as a strategic partner for their growth. Because we have capital ready to deploy—without the bureaucracy of a bank—clients know they can count on us for solutions.

Contact Us

Along with projects and equipment we also finance leasehold improvements, IT infrastructure, software licensing and even used equipment. Let me know if you have anything you might need funding on.

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